Perfectly Imperfect

The world sells you a dream that you can never cash in on. You grow up seeing a happy, well-rounded two parent household with two well-mannered children, a dog and a white picket fence. This model family includes a housewife and a gainfully employed husband that reads bedtime stories to your two perfect children after you’ve had a perfectly prepared dinner at your dinner table as a family. The American dream becomes more like the American fantasy when you look at the typical American household.

Although that was not necessarily my dream growing up, as I became a young woman I had my own ideas of what my family would look like. As I started to feel the call on my life to be a wife, I formed my “list” of how my household should be run. My own fantasy was the driving factor behind who I dated, who I became friends with, and where I worked. If I was going to fulfill my American dream, I had a timeline I needed to meet with my perfect man. What God did was take my dream and turn it upside down. My timeline included children by the time I was 30 but when I found myself at the age of 29, married to a divorced dad, and trying to recover from two ectopic pregnancies my life came crashing down around me. Everything I perfectly planned to happen had fallen apart. All of my dreams were shattered. I didn’t realize then that was exactly where God needed me to be.

Isaiah 46:10 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.

It’s great to memorize and quote scripture but what happens when you have to live it? How many times have we chosen the perfection of our plans over the purpose of God’s? Our plans try to avoid the pain of purpose for the sake of perfection. When I turned 30, I finally realized who I was. From the shattered pieces of my past, God have given me His perfect will for my life.

Whether we choose to accept that God allows us to endure pain, we still have to deal with it. God’s promise is that He will perfect those things that concern us but He doesn’t ever promise us a perfect life. See, perfection is just like beauty. It’s in the eye of the beholder. The outsiders are the only ones who view your life as perfect, because they don’t know the pain you’ve endured to maintain the lie they have fallen in love with. My list was not about what I thought would make me happy, it was to give the appearance of perfection. It was to pacify those people who thought they had me figured out. If I had been honest with myself then, I wasn’t even sure if I wanted children. But I thought I had to walk in the shoes other people had left out for me.

My imperfect self had started bowing down to other imperfect people, being more concerned about their comfort with my life instead of God’s plans. The pursuit of perfection left me empty and confused. So when I didn’t achieve it, I had lost all significance in my life. I couldn’t meet their expectations because I was broken. What was I going to do? How would I go on living? I was desperate to find who I was! At THAT point is where I surrendered.  I was too weak to continue to fight, to pretend, to lie to everyone else. I submitted my plans to God and just gave Him everything I had. 

You see, it took me realizing how imperfectly perfect I was before I truly walk into my purpose, enjoy my marriage, and birth the biggest vision God has ever given me. It wasn’t when I was trying to be something I wasn’t, it wasn’t when I wanted to make people like me, or make other people happy. It was when I got tired of fighting that girl inside my soul screaming to get out. I had hidden her for so long because she was flawed, she was broken, she was REAL. The imperfectness of who I am is what God planned to use from the beginning but I used all of my energy to hide her. But I no longer have the strength to fight her, God has made the real me too strong for the pretender.

So, here I am! In all my mess-ups, being used by God to empower other imperfect women to wholeheartedly surrender to a perfect God.

With All My Love, Mrs. Truscott


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