Brave Enough to Believe

When you’ve experienced heartache and disappointment, the hardest thing to do is simply to believe. What seems to come so easily for others takes sacrifice for you. You have to fight to have faith. It’s not that you don’t trust God or you don’t believe IN Him anymore. No, it’s not that at all. It’s when you just have to be believe HIM, when everything else is telling you not to. When your mind is telling you that you’re crazy for even entertaining the idea of His promises when it comes to you.

When people around you have every suggestion other than believing. When your situation has not changed and months, maybe even years, have gone by. Those are the times when believing is one of the scariest things you can do.

Have you ever seen that picture that describes our plans for life as opposed to God’s plans for our lives? Our plans is a line that’s as close to straight as you can get that goes directly from point A to point B. A neat little set of circumstances that gets us to our destination, unscathed, and with our makeup still intact and not one hair out of place. That’s our plan: meeting our life goals and looking good while we’re doing it. God’s plan, though, is just a teeny, tiny bit different. In the picture I mentioned before, it shows God’s plan as a roller coaster ride full of loops, twists, turns, detours, roadblocks, whizzing past point J before we even have a chance to catch a glimpse of what point B looks like in our rearview mirror. Our hair is standing tall like the Bride of Frankenstein and if our makeup was smudged, that would be an improvement of what we look like compared to now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that God causes all of this “hiccups” to happen but He does have a plan to deal with them before we even buckle our seatbelts for the ride. What does this dramatic illustration have to do with faith? Well, I’m glad you asked.

You have to believe that while you are stuck at point S, God already made provision for that place. Or while you’re in the valley of point G, God was going to be there waiting for you to arrive. Or even when things are going so smoothly, believe that He is giving you the grace to ease through those times. You see, it’s the belief that’s built during the “good times” that you have to store up for those time that aren’t as good. This journey to fertility has taken us on so many ups and downs, twists and turns and I know that the downs seem to be outnumber the ups. There are times when it takes faith just to log on to social media and celebrate a family that is announcing the arrival of their new bundle of joy. You have to believe that God is not taunting or teasing you, He is tempering your heart to be more like His.

I’ve had what I believe and who I believe in tested so much during this journey. When I don’t want my heart broken, I tell myself it’s easier just to not believe. But when the truth of God lives in your heart, that doesn’t bring you peace either. Not believing God in one area is torture when you believe Him everywhere else. God is not asking us to believe Him to cause us pain, it’s to place our concerns in His hands. So that we can have peace about whatever His plans are. And that’s hard when it seems like trusting Him is what’s breaking our hearts the most.

I know, firsthand, what believing has the ability to do when what you’re believing for doesn’t happen at all or the way you planned. But I’m asking you, asking myself, to be brave enough to believe God. Even when it hurts. Trust that believing Him builds more in your character than choosing not to believe. It gives you hope in something other than your plans, your uterus, your fallopian tubes, your husband’s reproductive system, and your biological clock. Trust that BELIEVING is perfecting the strength of your Savior even if it’s weakening you. It’s worth it!

Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

With All My Love,
Mrs. Truscott


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