New Beginnings

Starting over is never easy. There are so many unknowns and when you are asked to leave your comfort zone it can be scary and stressful. When you do something you’ve never done, it can be overwhelming because you don’t know what the results will be and that’s frightening. The thing about staying the same is that you can predict the outcome, no matter how good or bad it may be. Sometimes we stay with people or in situations that we know aren’t good for us because we’re familiar with them. That’s not always in our best interest, but hey, that’s all we know. Stepping outside of your box of “the usual” takes courage and perspective. You have to be courageous enough to let go of what you’re used because your future depends on your new beginning.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come

If you’ve never been taught that change is good, you will resist the very change that could save your life. You don’t have to give in to what “people” say when God is promising you a new beginning. No matter how your life started out, you have an opportunity to change. You can leave your past behind you and embrace what your future says about you. But that comes with a decision, a decision that chooses what’s in front of you. It may be scary, it may be new, it may be unknown, but it’s your future. Your future should be valuable enough to you that you can let go of your past. Your comfort doesn’t always mean that you’re covered.

You may feel like it’s your only choice to sleep with a man that’s not your husband or a woman that’s not your wife because that’s all you’ve ever done. You may have been told that you can never heal from the abuse of your past because it went on for too long. Someone may even have told you that your promiscuous past is going to keep you from experiencing love from your husband or your wife. But when you change your mind about how you’re going to live, all of those things become part of your past and don’t stop your future.

When you decide to live for God, there is no promise that your life will be easy but He does promise that what’s new in your life will replace the old. Too many times we get comfortable in doing things the old way, even if it’s damaging to our souls. The world has led us to believe that settling is the only to live your life. Having standards has turned into being “stuck up”. People who have decided to preserve their bodies until after marriage are called “weird” instead of being looked up to. When you don’t compromise your beliefs based on popular opinion, you’re looked at as the outsider instead others following your example. But when you are chasing after God, you can’t be consumed with the opinions of people.

Decide TODAY that you want your new beginning. No matter how scary your future may be, make the decision that you want it more than you want to be comfortable. No one can keep you from what God promised you, except for you. Don’t look back in your past for so long that it’s painful for you to look forward to your future.
With All My Love,
Mrs. Truscott


  1. Great post and very real! I have learned that people will always judge things against you; however, God never will. He will allow you to be new and have a fresh start. There is no greater peace than knowing that.

    1. Amen, people will attempt to hold you to who you used to be while God sees you for who you are. Walk in the gift of the present


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