Get Over Yourself

Being a Christian is not easy. My sister frequently says that being a Christian is not for the faint-of-heart. From the outside looking in, it may seem like being a Christian is all about the fluff and prosperity but that is not the case. Believing in an Almighty God means that you have to get over yourself and how things affect you. As harsh as that sounds, it is actually a beautiful thing!

Through my journey with God, He has begun to open my eyes about why my life has unfolded the way it has. I did not grow up with a white picket fence or a model family. I lost my virginity at a very young age to someone who was manipulative and only after my body. When I became Mrs. Truscott, I was not my husband’s first wife and he already had a child from his first marriage. I have been pregnant twice but have not given birth to a child. I turned 30 this year and finally graduated with my Bachelor’s degree after taking a 7-year hiatus from school. After working in several different industries, I just began to do what I have had a passion to do: write. All these things only scratch the surface of what my journey has been.

Before totally submitting to God, I did not understand how God loved me while allowing me to go through ALL of those circumstances. I was so caught up in how comfortable I was, how much I was hurt, the pain I endured, and how devastated I was in all of that. My life had not gone according to plan, everything was in disarray and I was lost. I knew I played a part in how things turned out but I was so confused how my life was a good representation of God’s wonder-working power.  I felt that I was not a success and only successful people demonstrated what God could do in someone’s life. That could not have been further from the truth.

I recently had my first article published by Prodigal Magazine (you can find it here) and a light bulb literally went off in my head. Actually, the Holy Spirit flashed my life before my eyes and I finally realized why things had gone the way they did. It was never only about me; there were so many other people that needed to see me go through what I went through. The outpouring of love and support that I received from that publishing has been so overwhelming. There are so many individuals who think that they are the only ones who have a detoured path to their futures. They have become discouraged about their journey and feel that God has abandoned them. Their pasts are tarnished by promiscuity, adultery, procrastination, empty promises, lying, fornication, and more. There are people that are looking for a new hope and to feel that someone understands them. Some are even contemplating suicide because they are ashamed or embarrassed by the path they have taken.

AHA! God trusted me with His plans for my destiny because it was tied to the faith and encouragement of so many other people. The emails, tweets, and Facebook messages I have received have made my journey more than worth it. I find a renewed hope in their faith being strengthened through my struggles. God created a safe haven for me through my own trials to get me to this point. It was never about Him, it has always been about Him and His desire for everyone else. When things seemed to be out of control and God seemed so distant from me, it’s because He was drawing near to someone else that needed Him more. Whatever needed to happen to me for even one other person to be encouraged is more than enough reward.
If you find yourself going through a hard time, just ask God to help you get over yourself. We are all here to help one another in ways we can never imagine. Your hard time may lead to someone’s life being spared. Things may seem difficult, but it will all be worth it. God never wastes an experience on anyone. You will be better for going through what you went through but the eternal impact your struggle has on someone else’s life is priceless.

With All My Love,
Mrs. Truscott


  1. My favorite post yet! Congrats on your publication and the words that you spoke are so aptly. You are a remarkable person, and I am so grateful that you are so willing to share your wisdom and your story. Really good post.

    Have a good day :)

  2. Thank you so much, I am so blessed to have readers like you and those who may not comment that are helped by anything God allows me to endure for His glory. Truly humbling!

  3. I don't comment on your blogs...just read them, take what I need and keep it moving. But, this one, next to "act like a lady, think like a lady" did something extra for me. Very proud to know someone like you. It's been a blessing to me to watch you "grow" and gives me a little more confidence in knowing everything will be okay.Great blog! Love you!

    1. Thank you so much love. I am truly in a place where I just want to serve God and others in any way I can. I pray that the growth that I have experienced helps my readers. I have learned a lot from watching those around me, including you, handle struggles with Gods help. Love you doll

  4. Thank you Chante for sharing this. I had been struggling with a few things lately and this was something I definitely needed to hear. Thank you again for sharing your story. Love you sis and May God continue to do wonderful things in your life.

    1. You are more than welcome doll. I pray that you continue to be encouraged by anything that God places on my heart to share.


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