In Love

Falling in love with Jesus is the best thing I have ever done! It is the greatest decision I have ever made because it was one I was not entitled to make. As much as I love God, His love for me is exponentially greater than anything I could ever imagine. Just trying to wrap my mind around the concept begins to get the tears flowing.

Not tears of shame, never that! But tears of joy and thanksgiving.

I love my husband and he knows everything there is to know about me…because I told him. He has made the choice to love me despite what he may think about my past. But the truth of the matter is that he did not know me when I was at my worst. The only thing I can do is try to give him a vivid picture of who I used to be. Because of his love for me and who he knows me to be now, I believe that he has trouble visualizing who that broken woman could have been. Even with my realistic recaps, he still chooses to love me. I am amazed that God loves me enough to bless me with a man like him. As good as the love of my husband feels it pales in comparison to the Lover of my soul.

God knew me back then when I was so hurt that all I could do was hurt others. God knew me when I could not stand the sight of myself. God knew me when I slept around to look for validation from men I didn’t even care about and definitely didn’t care about me. God knew me when I didn’t fit in with any groups of kids in middle school. God knew me when I had nowhere to turn as my parents argued, again. God knew me when I did recognize who I had become. God knew me when I didn’t know who I was.

And He still loved me.

He loved me enough to bring me out of the shadows of that broken young girl and show me the fullness of who I am. I didn’t have to look for love because He had already found me. His love for me was there before I entered this world. God had me on His mind even before the foundations of the earth. This is a love that planned to sacrifice His only welfare just so I could be free what I got myself into. Who I was and even who I am now does not give me access to a free-for-all of God’s love. All I have to right to is to pay for the consequences of my actions. But God’s love covers all of that.

Try to imagine for a second: no matter what you do, no matter what you say, and no matter who you do or say it with…you cannot escape the love of God. I know that I have broken God’s heart in the past with the blatant disregard for my relationship with Him but He STILL loves me. God’s love pursues in times when we do not want to be found. No person has the ability to love like this. This is true unconditional love that we are not equipped with. Even the best person on earth loves with conditions. It is our nature to place conditions on our love. We will not allow anyone to continuously mistreat us and our feelings towards them never change. But that’s exactly how much God loves all of us.

This love inspires us to do things we have never done before. It’s so powerful that it takes you places you have never been because you never have to go back to where you were before you knew the love existed. Embrace this love, you are loveable. If no one else ever tells you that you are loved, you can take comfort in how our Heavenly Father feels about you.

With All My Love,
Mrs. Truscott


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