Married and...Miserable

How does it feel to get something you thought you wanted but it turned it to be exactly what you didn’t want? What happens when you do everything, give up everything to get what you want but then you realize you were better off before you had it? Why is it that he seemed be Mr. Right until you married him and he turned into Mr. Wrong? So many times we are in one phase of our lives and the next one just seems to be so much better. As women, we seem to think that being married will solve all of our problems, only to find out that they added to them.

We see marriage as a land full of bliss and happiness when we’re single only to find out that it’s more work than we bargained for. Being in a marriage where you feel trapped is not what God had in mind when He created the union. Marriage is the joining of your life and your husbands to create a new one. But why is it that you feel that you’ve traded your life for a piece of hell? The problem is that we put undue pressure on ourselves and our husbands that neither of us can meet. We have placed him in the position as our Knight in Shining Armor that has come to rescue us from the evil land of Singleville. We allow ourselves to place our identity in someone just as imperfect as us. Unknowingly, you have made an idol out of your husband…placing him in a position that only God should be in. Only to find out, not only do they not know who we are but they are also trying to find out who they are. Having your name changed is a mere formality in a marital relationship. But we seem to believe that this is when our lives change. But that is the furthest thing from the truth. If you have waited to become a wife after you marry your husband, you are not trained for the job God has given you. God’s word tells us that when a man finds a wife he finds a good thing. You can’t wait until your husband meets you down the aisle to learn what a wife means.

Your husband does not define you, God does.

Learning how to be a wife is something you have to find out before you get married. You aren’t able to enjoy the beauty of marriage because you are so broken from the disappointments of not finding yourself in your husband. He wants a wife and you want a fairytale. Bring yourself back into reality of who you married and your role in the marriage. Or maybe, you didn’t let God do the choosing and now you find yourself trying to live according to a God that he’s not submitted to.

What do you do when you have to obey a man that disobeys God?

1 Peter 3:1-2 Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, 2 when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.

Just because you took away God’s choice in the beginning does not mean you are free to do what you want now. As a child of the King, you are still responsible for obeying the Lord. This is the importance of letting Him do the choosing. God does not release you from your duties as a wife because you didn’t allow Him to do His duties as the Lord.

In either scenario, you don’t have to be stuck in misery if you don’t choose to be. Your life can turn into a masterpiece, whether your husband changes or not. You have to be the change you want to see. Remove the burden from your husband of giving you a perfect life and start honoring the Perfect God. That is where your identity lies. You cannot expect one creation to speak life into another, that ability is reserved for God. And if you made the mistake of jumping ahead of God and choosing for yourself, ask God to forgive you and give you the grace to learn how to submit to the word of the Lord. God charges you to pray for your husband, not demean or divorce him. Learn how to show him the love that God has given you. This is not about changing him but about submitting your will to God’s. Learn from your mistakes and recognize where your will got you.

There is a masterpiece waiting to come out of your misery but if you won’t hand the canvas and the brush to God, you will never see it!

With All My Love,
Mrs. Truscott


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