Gifts Fit For a King

As we get ready to celebrate Christmas this week and shower our loved ones with gifts, let’s keep in mind one of the most important gifts that we have been given. God’s priceless love sent His Son into the womb of a virgin. Jesus was born to give us a physical representation of the love the Lord has for all of us. We had a walking miracle birthed from the very presence of God.

That virgin, Mary, did something that changed our lives for the rest of eternity. Her circumstances were not ideal for what she did, but she did it anyway. Her happiness was at stake, and even her marriage, but she did it anyway. Luke 1:38 Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her (NKJV). She gave God a YES!

The greatest gift you can give is offering God your yes!

We are missing out on generations of blessings because we offer God a maybe, or a not yet. Imagine if Mary had done the same! She was engaged to be married and God’s plans put a hiccup in hers. She was in love and preparing to become a wife. God wanted to give her access to birth the Messiah. If she had been wrapped up in what was good, she would have missed out on God.

Don’t let your plans get in the way of giving God the gift of yes.

Mary’s yes gave us access to salvation. What will your yes unlock? Could it be that the very thing you are waiting for is held up in your yes? Is your deliverance on hold because you can’t give God a yes? You’re waiting on God to bless you but He is waiting on you to give Him a real yes.

As we enter into a new year, we need to change our minds about how we will do things. The wise men knew they had to bring gifts to the newborn King. Before you can give God anything else, you have to give Him a yes

This Christmas, let it be to you according to His Word. Whatever “it” is, give Him a yes. You don’t know what’s dependent on it. Your Christmas should be the beginning of your obedience to God.


With All My Love,
Mrs. Truscott


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