Ride or Die

We all have times in our lives that are moments that dictate whether we move forward or lose everything we have worked so hard for. Those moments are break or make moments and they define the path we take to get to our destiny. One choice to say yes or no can propel you into your purpose or leave you wandering through life with no direction.

Esther 4:14 For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and they father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

The story of Esther is blueprint of a woman choosing God over her fear of uncertainty. He said it so she did it!

Everything that happens in our lives is preparation for a divine season later to come. God never allows your experiences to be wasted. There will be a time where you will have to buckle down and use what God has taught you to live for Him or die doing nothing.

Choosing to do nothing is making a choice.

How many times have you sat back and thought “If I would have just done this or not done that, things would have turned out differently? “When you choose to live your life for God, you choose to go all out in serving, loving, and worshipping Him. Choosing to just blend in with the crowd is no longer an option for you. God will not allow you to be comfortable in the abyss of nothingness.

Lots of times we find ourselves not giving God a real yes because we don’t want to stick out from a crowd like a sore thumb. We love Him but we want to be comfortable, choosing to shrink back rather than step up. But we only have two choices when it comes to God: Ride or Die!

Being for God means you are against those things that He is against. There is no in between. Everyone has to die but where you spend the rest of eternity is tied to the choices you make while you live. You cannot say you love God but fail to give Him a real yes!

His will always comes to pass; He doesn’t need you to do that. But when He chooses to include you in His plans your answer should always be “Yes God, I’m riding with you”. Do not choose to die with the regrets of the choices you make.

God has come to give you a more abundant life and choosing to ride with Him gives you access to that. So what are you going to do, ride or die?

With All My Love,
Mrs. Truscott


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