
This is the time of year that we celebrate mothers and their contributions to our lives. The love of a mother is irreplaceable and cannot be measured. This is a love that runs so deep that a mother would risk her life for her child. She can’t bear to see that child in pain, suffering, or struggling to deal with the harshness that this world seems to provide. Many mothers have said “I would rather die than have my child be hurt”. But what happens when you don’t get to experience the love and affection that so many will celebrate on Sunday?

Some people long to feel a love like that while others hope to be able to give it, but it’s just not possible. No one lives perfectly and sometimes this life can throw you a curveball that doesn’t fit into what others deem as “normal”. In today’s society we see mothers abandoning their children for a hassle free life without mouths to feed. They don’t have that maternal instinct that bonds them forever to their children. Young girls aren’t taught what it is to be a woman because their mothers don’t know how to be women themselves. They come from a long line of women who don’t know what it means to be a wife, consistently giving their bodies away in return for love. They teach that to their daughters by deed or words. The only thing they get from their mothers is heartache, not love. They have no mother to celebrate.

Or what about those women who can’t have a child of their own? How do they make it through the pain of acknowledging a day that doesn’t apply to them? Every year there is an even greater reminder that they don’t have what it takes to receive a card, balloon, or gift on this monumental day. The one thing that every other woman can so “easily” do can’t be done. There is a void that seems so much bigger on this day that can’t be filled with a pep talk or a pat on the back. There is nothing anyone can do to change the emptiness that this day brings. There is no hope that things will change because their body has rejected that possibility. They are not celebrated on Mother’s Day, they are pitied.

While everyone is overflowing with joy, these people are fighting back tears of sorrow. But that’s not how this day has to be spent!

There is a promise that has been made to all of us. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 
His plans were never to hurt you, no matter who raised you or not....whether you have children or no. He's not trying to hurt you, but to show you where real love generates from. His love for you is not predicated on who raised you or who you are raising. He loves you for who He created you to be. See His love in everything you have endured and know it's for your hope and your future.

You are not less than because of who or what you didn't have or don't have. Your future is not void because of who wasn't or isn't there. Remember this week, He plans to prosper you. What you didn't have is a training ground for what is to come.


With All My Love,
Mrs. Truscott


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